Governance for Kubernetes Clusters

March 01, 2022

Governance for Kubernetes Clusters

Kubernetes is a highly flexible and scalable container orchestration system. It helps organizations manage their containerized applications, services, and microservices. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and Kubernetes can quickly become complex to handle. That’s why governance for Kubernetes clusters is essential to ensure compliance, security, availability, and performance. In this article, we’ll compare different cloud governance solutions for Kubernetes clusters.

Kubernetes Governance Challenges

Before diving into the solutions, let’s discuss the challenges of Kubernetes governance:

  • Multiple stakeholders: Kubernetes clusters involve multiple stakeholders, including developers, operators, security teams, compliance teams, and executives. Each of them has different requirements and perspectives, which make governance more challenging.
  • Dynamic environment: Kubernetes clusters are highly dynamic, with pods, nodes, and services spinning up and down frequently. It’s hard to keep track of all the changes and their impact on governance.
  • Complex networking: Kubernetes clusters have complex networking requirements, including load balancing, service discovery, and ingress configurations. Any misconfiguration can cause security or performance issues.
  • Potential vulnerabilities: Kubernetes is a high-value target for attackers as compromising a cluster can grant access to sensitive data, intellectual property, or infrastructure. Staying ahead of vulnerabilities is critical for Kubernetes governance.

Kubernetes Governance Solutions

Here are some Kubernetes governance solutions that can address these challenges:

Policy Enforcement

Policy enforcement involves defining and enforcing policies to ensure compliance, security, and availability. Several tools can help with policy enforcement, such as:

  • OPA/Gatekeeper ($0.005/node/hour): Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open-source project for policy-based control of services and systems. Gatekeeper is a Kubernetes admission controller that enforces policies defined with OPA. It provides policy validation, mutation, and denial of non-compliant requests.

  • Policymaker ($19/month/cluster): Policymaker is a cloud-native policy management solution that lets you define and enforce policies for Kubernetes clusters. It supports security policies such as CIS, NIST, and HIPAA, as well as custom policies.

Access Control

Access control is about granting the right level of access to the right people or entities. Kubernetes provides several ways to manage access control, such as:

  • Role-based access control (RBAC): RBAC lets you define roles and permissions based on a user’s or a group of users’ roles in the organization. You can use RBAC to restrict access to sensitive resources and prevent unauthorized activities.

  • Open Policy Agent (OPA): OPA also provides a framework for access control policies. You can use it to define fine-grained policies based on context, such as user identity, IP address, and labels.

Configuration Management

Configuration management is about managing the configuration settings of Kubernetes clusters. Configuration management tools can help you automate the deployment, scaling, and rolling updates of Kubernetes clusters. Some popular configuration management tools are:

  • Helm ($0): Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that helps you define, install, and upgrade applications on Kubernetes. It packages Kubernetes resources as charts that you can version and share.

  • Kustomize ($0): Kustomize is a Kubernetes-native configuration management tool that lets you customize and manage Kubernetes resources declaratively. You can use it to apply patches, overlays, or substitutions to Kubernetes manifests.

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management is about identifying, prioritizing, and remedying vulnerabilities in Kubernetes clusters. Several vulnerability management tools can help you maintain a secure Kubernetes environment:

  • Falco ($0.002/node/hour): Falco is a cloud-native runtime security tool for Kubernetes that detects and alerts on suspicious or malicious activities. It provides real-time, fine-grained visibility into container behavior and helps you stay ahead of zero-day attacks.

  • Kube-bench ($0): Kube-bench is a CIS Kubernetes benchmark tool that checks if your Kubernetes deployment is compliant with the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark. It provides detailed, actionable reports on security configuration issues and remediation steps.


Governance for Kubernetes clusters is critical to ensure compliance, security, availability, and performance. It involves policy enforcement, access control, configuration management, and vulnerability management. To tackle the Kubernetes governance challenges, you can use various cloud governance solutions such as OPA/Gatekeeper, Policymaker, RBAC, Helm, Kustomize, Falco, and Kube-bench. By choosing the right solutions, you can ensure a smooth and secure Kubernetes environment for your organization.


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